Interactive TV is Already introduced in India and in abroad, but it is very costlier concept so to avail this feature the cable operator has to upgrade his present channel system to set top box system, but India like backward country it is not so easy to shift all small cable operators to the said facility intern a viewer also has to pay extra charges for to view his demanded movie or song hence it is expensive on the both part.
To overcome from these all drawbacks above stated Dharwad Coding Center has launched a Interact Software called DCC DUO PRO (COMBINATION OF DIAL & MOVIE SOFTWARE) which is less expensive on both part. Through this system a operator has to upgrade the local broadcasting channel using the PC with land or mobile connection. Our highly featured and bug free SECOND software. Will handle all customer request First in First display basis i.e. whenever a customer dialed to a particular number displayed on local channel a menu will appear on the screen if he follow the instructions he can get his desired song name or visual picture on screen itself if i.e. his choice he has to select that number automatically the selected file will be played immediately if there is no any request other wise requested time will be displayed on the screen.
Along with interactive the operator can manage his movie channel in this same software when ever movie is completed automatically Dial song will be switched on, hence he can give both services in a single system. It is best suitable for small cable operators. |